Simancas (Spain), January 30th 2024 (HISPANO-IRISH) Full text (2 min) of the question from the Councilor Luis Carlos Giménez Balmori asking about the resolution two years before in 2022, aproved by all the parties (Popular Party, Vox, Socialist Party, Ciudadanos, Simancas toma la palabra) and the answer of Mayor of Simancas Alberto Plaza
Full text of the video of 2 minutes:
LUIS CARLOS GIMENEZ BALMORI (Councilor): Then the second, during the Ordinary Plenary Session of July 2022, the VOX group presented a motion for the twinning of Simancas with Lifford County, with Donegal. In September of that year, an Irish expedition came to participate in the commemorative events of the 420th anniversary of the death of Red Hugh at Simancas Castle. Among those attending was Martin Harley, then a councilor and now Mayor of County Donegal. On a personal level we express the decision made by the Plenary Session, which you received with satisfaction. There has yet to be official written contact from Simancas City Council notifying Donegal of the deal. Yesterday we received a copy of the email that Mr. Harley wrote and in which he expressed his satisfaction and interest. He remembers the verbal offer we made to him and requests that we respond since his term as mayor expires this year, they are one-year terms, and obviously we are interested as the City Council in having a counterpart who visited us and he is interested in being able to close his mandate with an initiative in which he showed himself personally interested. From this Group we show our willingness to collaborate and we ask that the request that they so kindly make to us from Donegal be answered as quickly as possible, thus initiating the twinning process.
ALBERTO PLAZA (Mayor of Simancas) Twinning of Simancas with Lifford. Well, you are absolutely right, we are going to inform this Irish municipality of our intention, as agreed in the plenary session, to carry out this twinning and on that issue, take the necessary steps to try to close the twinning and from there establish cultural exchanges. and social that serve us for what we all agreed at the time

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